Lands for sell

4km from downtown (cod. V1293)

Description and photos

R$ 550.000,00

IPTU: R$ 1306.00 /ano

Total area: 1.266,68 m2
Frente: 33.30m. Fundo: 38.13m. Laterais: 33.30m.

Built area: n/a

Technical features:


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Approximate location

Recanto das Eugênias: The Recanto das Eugênias site is a special place, integrated with nature, birds and the Atlantic Forest. Located 5 minutes from the center of Arraial d Ajuda, at KM 4 of the road Arraial d Ajuda / Trancoso and bordering the Pitinga River. As an investment or housing, the Sítio Recanto das Eugênias is an excellent opportunity and a strong prospect for appreciation. 40,000 m² divided into 25 lots starting at 750 m², drinking water, lighting and a private road for your daily well-being.